Through the life of a man who sacrificed himself for the Great Idea we follow History to ask questions. Key and timeless questions. As Chrysostom lived. As we all experience them, especially strongly in adolescence. "Who am I" and "what are my limits" are issues that concern every teenager. And we go through adolescence many times in our lives! As individuals and as peoples.
On the occasion of the book, we propose educational activities, set up debates and workshops, submit opinions, exchange ideas about History, the role of the Church in political life, the concept of "homeland", "nation", "hero", "foreigner", "Greek" ”, “sacrifice”, and many more.
From the time of Chrysostom to today the world has changed radically. These words (hero, sacrifice, nation, etc.) may remain the same, but their content changes. We rarely reflect on these changes.
This page suggests a stance for thought.
Browse the blog. Find documents, maps, photos, testimonials, educational activities, ideas and reader opinions and submit your own ideas.
The author has already started doing History workshops in school classes on the occasion of this book.